-malice mizer-
-eve of destiny-
-schwarz stein-

-shop guide-


lyrics: Mana / music:Mana

Behind the shape of things, deep in that phenomena, there appears form in illusion.
Represent the day dream.
[有形の現象の奥にある 深い幻影的側面を白日夢のように描き出す]

Expel the latent, what exists in truth, in essence.
[形式の外に解放し潜在下の意識 その背後に在るものの真の本質を]

Throw away rigid style. Break the swing.

そう 貴方が手にしたeuphony
目には映らない 夢現つ意識下で
瞳を閉じて 紺碧に輝くPhilosophia

Affected material culture. Reclaim humanity.

Free of shape, natural moment, describe as dot image.

Seek, feel, throw away rigid style.
Rest, awake, break the balance and swing.

壊れかけのeuphoria, ideaに抱かれて
篭中にれば 夢心地に揺られて
限られた世界と 消えてゆくRealist


Fated, "raison d'être"