-malice mizer-
-moi dix mois-
-eve of destiny-
-schwarz stein-

-shop guide-


-official links-

Malice Mizer - official website

Moi dix Mois - official website, in Japanese and English

Monologue+Garden - Mana's blog

Midi:Nette - record label of Malice Mizer, Moi dix Mois, and Schwarz Stein

kozi-info.com - Közi's official site

Cryptogram - Klaha's official site (now defunct)

Gackt.com - Gackt's official site

nil from hell - nil/other Tetsu projects official site

Eve of Destiny - official website (now defunct)

Schwarz Stein - official website

GOD SYNTHESIS - Hora official website

Rose Addict - Kaya official website

-link to scape-

*link banner coming soon