-malice mizer-
-eve of destiny-
-schwarz stein-

-shop guide-


lyrics: Mana / music:Mana

The moth spreads its poison [蛾は毒をばらまき]
Multiplying parasite [増殖する寄生]
Taken by visciousness [邪悪に取り付かれ]
Too many ghosts [増え過ぎた亡霊]

貴方には顔が無い 知性は置き去りにして
死人の戯言など この世には存在しない

e x c l u de, Fade away, vanish

You have no face

Your intellect is left behind [知性は置き去りにして]
Egoist Stained with jealousy [嫉視に塗れた 利己主義者]
Where is it, your being? [お前は何処に存在しているのか]
You are fixed by a spell [お前は呪縛に磔にされている]

悪意を抱き 認めても その虚ろな夢 空白のまま
存在すら気づかれない Agasthiyaが描く 破滅の戯曲シナリオ

If you don't belive in your self in the endless void,
[自分の存在真価を信じれないのならば 果てしなく続く空虚の中で]

The problems of this world are made by your desires.

The moth spreads its poison
Multiplying parasite
Taken by visciousness
Too many ghosts

貴方には何がある 毒牙を磨く事しか

e x c l u de, Fade away, vanish

悪夢の中 逃げ延びても Agasthiyaはそう嘲り

If you don't belive in your self in the endless void,

It's a sad world to hold grace, nihilism
